Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Weekend

We enjoyed a wonderful Easter weekend together. The spring weather is here in Austin, so we got to enjoy the great weather through some outdoor activities! Friday afternoon we meet some friends at an outdoor bar, so we could watch the Horns win their first game on their road to the Final Four. It was fun to be out and Sawyer was so excited to be out that he slept the entire time!

On Saturday we were invited to an annual Easter egg decorating party. Who knew there were so many creative ways to decorate an egg? Here are some images of the final products!

Here are the eggs in the animal category! There were categories for the kids' eggs and the adult decorated eggs. A winner was voted on from each category, then we voted on an overall winner.

The overall winner, the Texas egg, of course! Texans can always think of a new way to show their Texas spirit! Funny, that the decorator of this egg is a yankee like us. I guess you can't help catching some Texas spirit when you live in this state!

Sunday morning we worshiped at the 10:45 service to celebrate our Risen Lord. We've taken Sawyer to church the last couple of weeks and he's just slept through the entire service. This week he was excited about the Easter message, since he stayed awake the entire service. He was so good throughout the service and seemed to especially enjoy the music from the choir and band. Let's hope this is how baptism goes in two weeks!

Here are some pics after returning from church and Easter brunch. By this time Sawyer was getting a bit sleepy! We are so thankful for the many gifts the Lord has and continues to give us.

Sawyer's Easter bunny outfit...he is just too cute!

We had such a great weekend together as a family, that I got a bit behind on some of the chores around the house. Sawyer thought this was a bit funny! Although, I'm not sure there will ever be a time that the house will be "caught up" again. We're just enjoying too many other things as a family.

One last pic of our little man! We're looking forward to our dear friend and Sawyer's godmother, Gretchen, visiting us for the first time this weekend.

We hope your family had a wonderful Easter weekend, too!
He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed! Alleluia!


bakersinspringfield said...

I got to tell you, as the grandmother in Missouri I'm loving the photos and the obvious joy you have in the Lord and each other.

Miriam said...

Love love love all the new photos. I can't believe Sawyer is smiling so big already - that is amazing!!!