Sunday, October 5, 2008

On The Move

As previously promised, here is some video of Sawyer crawling and pulling himself up! He's getting faster every day.

We've had quite the last two weeks with a double ear infection, upset stomach from antibiotics, (which created quite the sore bottom!) and cutting tooth number eight!

Our recent sick doctor appointments gave us Sawyer's current weight stats. He's 22 lb and 10 oz! I may just run out of short sleeve tops for him.

He's growing out of his current supply, it's still not cool enough during the day for long sleeves, and the only clothing choice in the store at the moment is long sleeves. It could be an interesting problem.

It's hard to believe that Sawyer will be eight months on Tuesday! Where is the time going?!

We're looking forward to (hopefully!) a calmer week.

“Children are God's Apostles, sent forth, day by day, to preach of love, and hope, and peace” - James Russell Lowell


Andy, Stephanie, & Aiden said...

How adorable!! Aiden is starting to get really interested in crawling. Sawyer is such a cutie!! I hope your enjoying this time with him! Thanks for sharing

Miriam said...

Cute video - can't wait to play play play at Christmas!

Jean, Chad and Clay said...

I am amazed at how well Sawyer is getting around!! Clayton is starting to move backwards!! It's a start, right?!

bakersinspringfield said...

He's quite the get around guy. We loved seeing him in action.

Charla (SHar-la) said...

First, thanks so much for the comment on my blog! I love new blog friends! You have one precious boy there! What a sweetie! Keep commenting and take care!