Monday, August 4, 2008

Bubbles & Daddy

One of my favorite times of the day is preparing for bedtime with Sawyer. I love the quiet moments that often come as we unwind from the day together. We sing songs, read books, and say our prayers.

The other night Minor decided to get in on the bath time action. Sawyer's "just right" for our deep kitchen sink, which has made bath time much more enjoyable for all!

What do you think of my new do, mama?

Quick, daddy, she's coming!
I imagine I will only be seeing more of this expression!

We're in the clear. Now, what's next?

Speaking of that daddy...where are his posts?! I remember a time when we talked about posting at least once each week! Hopefully, we'll hear some stories from him, soon.

Rub-a-dub-dub, toys in the tub
far more than the eye can see!
sinkers and floaters, duckies, wee boaters
what fun our baby can be!


MacKenzie said...

OMG Sawyer looks SO cute! I love the new bubble hairdo! How was Sawyer's first day of school?

Jennifer said...

I love these G-rated tub photos!!

bakersinspringfield said...

And I remember when Sawyer's daddy used to scream every time he had his hair washed. Good thing Sawyer appears to be taking after his mom.

bakersinspringfield said...

Springfield Daddy says: Thanks for the photos angles that provide adequate covering so as not to scandalize the relatives.