Saturday, August 16, 2008

Six Month Stats

We visited our pediatrician last Friday for Sawyer's six month check-up. He weighed in at 20 lbs 7 oz and measured 27 inches long!

He already has two teeth on the bottom and has been cutting four teeth on the top during the past two weeks.

Then, last Saturday we had our six month photo session with Mary Barnett. Check out all the great pics on her website under the client section. Our password is sawyer6. It's always a challenge to order only a few prints from each session.

“Photography, alone of the arts, seems perfected to serve the desire humans have for a moment - this very moment - to stay.”- Sam Abell


MacKenzie said...

Wow Sarah and Minor, I LOVE the pictures of Sawyer that Mary took! Makes me wish we had done the watch me grow program! I love the bubbles pictures with Sawyer looking up at them in surprise! Oh she is so talented! Don't you wish you could just get them all? Every one of them is stunning!

Miriam said...

Very cute photos - Sarah I love the last one of you laughing with Sawyer - very sweet!

Kristine said...

The pictures are great! Love the ones with you guys outside...and the one toward the end with the bubbles! So adorable! :)