Thursday, February 7, 2008

IT'S A.........................


Sawyer Nathaniel Baker made his first appearance today at 8:53am. Weighing in at a healthy 8 pounds 12oz and measuring a length of 21.5 inches. We were very excited to see him this morning, although I am not sure that the feeling was mutual. Sawyer promptly made his presence felt by peeing on Dr. Mac as soon as he came out.

Here is a brief summary of our night. Sarah's water broke 10 minutes after the US v. Mexico game (it is good to see that our young lad already has his priorities straight, by realizing the importance of futbol). We promptly went to the hospital to get settled in. Six hours of contractions, epidurals, then pushing and presto we have the first boy grandbaby for both sides of the family.

Sarah is doing wonderful and is recovering quite nicely. She is hoping to be able to update more on the blog in the next couple of days.

Oh and one more thing: Sawyer has some huge hands - I don't know if this is how all babies come out, but it is quite amazing to me (so I guess we can rule out "Carnie's" as a future job).

Mom, Dad, and Sawyer

The Three Amigos (Doctor McIntyre, Sawyer, and Minor)


Alex said...

Thanks for the picts - can't wait to see more!!! I can't believe he is finally here and that he is a he! I so thought you were having a girl! Congrats you guys - so excited for you - and look forward to hearing about your adventures as new parents.

Emilyah said...

Congratulations! We've been checking everyday to see if the baby had arrived. Hope Sarah recovers quick as well. Can't wait to see more photos.
- Nik, Emily, and Nathanael
P.S.- Baby boys are AWESOME and so is your sweatshirt.

bakersinspringfield said...

We couldn't be happier or prouder to have our first grandson. I love the family photo and the one of dad and son. This is a very special day.

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, my friend.

the {KUTZ} family said...


Sawyer is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Huge hands yes...but how big are the nipples? We want to make sure Daddy Baker passing on ALL of his aesthetic genetics! ;-)

Seriously though, congratulations.

And, no, my wife did not approve this message.

Pamela said...

He is beautiful and so lucky to have you all as his parents. He is bound to be smart, good-looking & talented. Boys are GREAT!

With Love & Congratulations,

Pamela & Brian

Lauren said...

Hi guys... this is Miriam's friend, Lauren (I was in the wedding). Anyway, I found your blog and I'm SO excited for you both! We had a little girl 5 months ago and the ride into parenthood is amazing! Can't wait to see more pics of that precious little guy!

Anonymous said...

I hear there is a boy coming home. This will be great! Now we can both drool on furniture, break out of the house and chew up the car. Solitude brother! Welcome to casa de Baker!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! He's so cute! (I am sure you'll be a pro Mother after watching my "little darlings". I hope Minor put his time in!)

Jan (and all)

Aly said...

Congratulations - you both look so happy!

Sawyer is a handsome little man! :)