We are getting ready to go to the doctor this morning, for our weekly appointment. This has inspired me to come up with the official "Baker Baby Contest." I am not sure what the official prize will be for the winner, but we will provide an awesome prize to the winner of the contest. Here is how you win.
In the comments section we would like you to guess the following unknown facts about the baby.
1. Sex
2. Date of Birth
3. Weight at birth (this will be used as a tiebreaker)
Good luck. Here is the information that we already know, and we have already been sharing with people. The official due date is February 2nd and as of right now the Dr. Mac thinks the baby is between 5 and 6 pounds.
I think it is a girl, my guess is that she'll be born on Thursday, February 7th (if your doctor lets you go that long), and she'll weigh 8 lbs 11 oz.
Can't wait to find out! Can't believe it is only a month away!!!
Feb 6, 9:21 PM
8 lbs 3 oz
Poops and cries a lot!
I am thinking boy from the signs I see... 7 lbs and 13 ozs. Birthday is harder to pin down Feb 3rd seems about right.
Dad in Springfield
February 7th
8 lbs. 4 oz.
It's a race, Sar!
I think the prize should be we get to name the baby!! So, my guess is:
February 2nd (lots of years in college has to mean they get it right sometimes)
8lbs 3oz.
Alex says:
7 lbs. 14 oz.
January 29th
congrats good buddy! I think I'll weigh in on this one. If a had a before and after pic of your wife, I'd be able to make a better guess.
I am going with:
Girl (a lot of times a womans facial features change slightly when she is having a boy - my wife's did)
Kid is ready NOW! 6 lbs already?, ok my guess is 7lbs at birth (between 6 1/2 and 7 1/2 to be certain)
Date, Late Jan, last week, 26th is good for me (both I and one of my daughters were born on the 26th of a given month, so, it's a good solid date)
You are certainly in for the ride of your life. hey, I got to catch my 2nd child, not on purpose, it just happened, see if the doc will let you catch....being the first hands to touch your child is very special. Either way, the kids got a great dad and mom.
take care.
First, about the Christmas letters - You all know that I like to toot my own horn with the best of them, but I challenge you to finish a Christmas (or any other season) Letter next year when you have that little one climbing all over you, trying to type his or her own Christmas letter on your lap! I'm only able to write this today because I am at home with our own little one sleeping off some type of flu that has been bothering her for a couple of days! Anyway, about the contest - I predict a boy, born February 1 weighing in at 8lbs., 9 oz.
We sure do miss y'all!
My preiction is a boy - just as crazy and zany as you are to keep you and Sarah on your toes
8lbs 9 0z
January 31st
January 30th
7 lbs. 12 ounces
8 lbs, 1 ounce
February 1
Uncle Norm says:
Feb 1, 4:37p
6 lb 14 oz
The Ashe Family thinks...
Feb 4
8lbs 3oz
We are so excited and can't wait to meet Baby Baker!
January 28th
8lbs 9 oz.
We will be down there the 1st weekend of February. Hopefully we can meet baby Baker!!! :-) We miss you guys!
Since Jeremy and I can't agree on anything right now...here is his opinion:
January 26th at 9:22 a.m.
8lbs 12oz
bald head, large feet, kind of goofy like his dad. pretty much a kid only the parents could love, Minor junior.
feb 10,male, 7lb 5 oz
Boy, Feb. 4th, 7lb.8oz.
my crystal ball says that it's going to be a boy, born on january 28 weighing 7.5 lbs.
what do i win if i'm right? a poopy diaper?
I think it's a boy and he will weigh 9 lbs 3 oz and you will deliver on Feb 2nd.
February 9
8 lb 12 oz
The Wagners say...
A little girl
February 4th
7lbs 14oz
Well, I know nothing "bout birthin' no babies" but I always have an opinion.
I'm voting for January 30th so SHE can celebrate birthdays with Oprah Winfrey each year.
Humm? weight? Let's say 8lbs. 3oz.
any bigger, Sarah should get her way [weigh, get it?] for the next 5years!
Good luck to both of you! Robyn
I think it will be a girl and will weigh 7 lbs 15 oz and will be 20.5" long.
I guess I'm cheatin' a little by posting so late in the game...it's just as well. I would have probably kept changing my mind anyways! OK, here it goes Bakers! When the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars...
Feb. 5th
8lbs, 6 oz.
i'm going with a boy on Febr. 8th. 9 lbs. 2 oz. 22 in. long...all legs.
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